Let Them Dance: Embracing Inner Critics

Dec 29, 2024

In 2025, I'm launching my online business – truly pioneering an entirely new approach. It scares the hell out of me. Why? Because I feel like a fraud, an imposter. These are those familiar voices we all hear in our heads.

The imposter's voice is just one of many that dance through my mind, disrupting my potential and weighing me down. And they succeed because I allow them to.

I've been following Mel Robbins' launch of "The Let Them Theory" (I just downloaded it but haven't read it yet). The core message is letting people be who they are rather than projecting our values and expectations onto them. Just let them be.

This same principle can be applied to our inner voices. Instead of exhausting ourselves to silence them, I encourage embracing their presence. Approach them as you would a child (which is fitting since that's where they originated). Be kind, be gentle, and let them exist. Reassure them that all is well, and redirect your focus to your inherent strengths. Learn from their messages by transforming what seems negative into fuel that propels you forward.

Today, I'm dancing with my imposter self and choosing to be kind, forgiving, and compassionate. I will move toward my Reason Why and launch my business – inner critics and all.


My Reason Why:
I disrupt the status quo so that people live their ordinary lives in an extraordinary way.